Doctor Gregory House, Level 6 Controller
Medium natural humanoid XP 250
Init +1; Senses Insight +17, Perception +12
HP 55; Bloodied 27
AC 18; Fort 14, Ref 18, Will 17
Speed 4
(m) Cane (standard; at-will) * Weapon
+4 vs. AC; 1d6 damage and House shifts 1 square
(r) Observation (standard; at-will)
Range 6; +9 vs. Will; target is dazed (save ends)
Close burst 6; +9 vs. Will; targets are stunned (save ends); if missed first save, target is confused (save ends)
Vicodin (minor; at will)
House activates a healing surge and gains +1 to all skill checks until the end of his next turn.
Drug Addict
House suffers a -2 penalty to all attack rolls and skill checks in any encounter he does not use vicodin.
Medical Expert
Allies within line of sight gain an additional 1d6+3 hit points from healing effects.
Alignment unaligned; Languages English, Hindi, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese
Skills Heal +17, Intimidate +7, Thievery +6
Str 10 (+3) Con 13 (+4) Dex 6 (+1) Int 20 (+8)
Possessions cane, vicodin (10 doses)
Standard Encounter (Level 6)
- Doctor Gregory House (level 6)
- 3 human diagnosticians (level 5)
- Doctor James Wilson (level 6)
1 comment:
In my 4e game (the one after KoSF) we have a Doktor Haus. He's the town's resident healer and medicine man. The town became convinced he was a witch because his powers to heal were beyond that of the town's cleric. The players had to convince the town to not burn him at the stake (go go social encounters!). Haus was based on our originial discusion of House's 4e stats.
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