Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common, Draconic
Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics, +2 Nature
Burmecian Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the halberd and the longspear.
Muridic Shift: You can move up to two squares when you shift.
Leaping Strike: You can use leaping strike as an encounter power.
LEAPING STRIKE Burmecian Racial Power
You leap into the air, then bring your weapon to bear as you land on your opponent.
Encounter * Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Special: You can jump up to your speed as part of this attack.
Attack: Dex vs. AC
Hit: 1[w] + Dexterity modifier damage and push the target 1 square. You move into the square the target occupied.
Increase to 2[w] + Dexterity modifier at 11th level and 3[w] + Dexterity modifier at 21st level.
Weapon: If you're wielding a longspear or halberd, you gain a bonus to damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
I dreamed a dream last night. A dream of a clan fey corgis who needed help capturing their runaway herd of deathcows. Stolen by Ghost Riders in the Sky.
I think I'm an XP budget away from writing an adventure ;p.
You know a Lumbermancer would be like a necromancer, but for dead trees.
"Furniture in and of itself is a good thing."
Perhaps a cowardly Lumbermancer, looking to obtain new and exotic fey woods for his craft could be behind the Ghost Riders stealing the deathcows. His rationale being that the Corgis, fierce fighters though they are, would abandon their ancestrial herding grounds (which happen to be at the only known entrance to an enchanted fey forest and all the wood within) en mass to regain their herd.
I've already jotted down some notes for deathcow stats and a skill challenge to wrangle the herd. Now I have to come up with stats for a xylomancer, possibly employing druids of the Shadowfell. Stop doing this to me! ;o
Nevar! mwahahaha, fear my unemployed mental meandering!
How is 4e doing over there, anyway? I imagine most players made the switch, but you say you're seeing a lot of 3.5 stat blocks. Is 3.5 still more common after all this time?
I said I saw a lot of 3.5 stat blocks on /tg/. /tg/ is very anti-4e, and it's also very anti-3.5, but given the choice they rally behind 3.5. I haven't really been inside a gaming store in a long time so I couldn't say how the public has accepted or shunned 4e. Frank's actively running several games out of Islander (which is now located in Merritt Square Mall) and sales for the books have been very positive. I guess I should go down to Sci-Fi City or something and see how the neckbeards are taking it.
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